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Empowering Herself

Lisseth*, a 19-year-old pequeña participating in her year of service, reflects on the life of women in Nicaragua.

Lisseth with her teacher, receiving a technical degreeReported by Emily Doyle
Communication Officer, NPH Nicaragua

March 14, 2017

Lisseth*, a 19-year-old pequeña participating in her year of service, entered NPH when she was nine years old. The following interview is a reflection on the life of women in Nicaragua in Lisseth’s own words.

What difficulties do women in Nicaraguan society encounter that men do not face?

They encounter machismo, men having all authority, and the desire to overcome it.

Do women in Nicaragua have the same opportunities that men have?

According to the Nicaraguan president, everyone has the same rights and opportunities, but women lack the care they need to take advantage of certain opportunities.

What does it mean to you to be a woman?

For me, it means to be someone capable of accomplishing what she wants, to fight for good with integrity, to feel worthy of oneself and value oneself.

What would you like to study and do for work in the future?

First I would like to get a degree in English and then study psychology, then work in a career using both.

What are you involved in at NPH?

I help take care of the youngest girls and I teach them traditional dance. Before that I was also a part of a leadership group. In that group, I learned to be patient, to be empathetic, to imagine myself in the place of the kids, and to teach them to be caring to each other like they deserve.

What did you like about the activities in the group, and why is it important?

I like it a lot because we learn, we have fun, we realize what we are capable of doing, all because of the friendship and brotherhood that exist among the pequeños. It’s very important to socialize with others, learn about them, and get to know each other better.

Do you see yourself as role model for the other girls at NPH?

I do see myself as an example for them to follow because I study hard and I’m responsible, patient, humble and able to fight to move forward with the values of the NPH family.

What hopes do you have for the girls of NPH?

I believe they are very intelligent and that they have a lot to offer. I hope they graduate in their careers, support each other and their biological families, since pequeñas don’t forget where they came from, and keep the humility that God has given them.

*Name changed for privacy purposes.

Related Information:
NPH Nicaragua
How Your Help Makes an Impact at NPH
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Higher Education Program
Girls’ Empowerment Programs

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Photo above: Lisseth with her teacher, receiving a technical degree. Photos below: Lisseth with some of the younger girls; Lisseth watching as the girls perform a dance she taught them.