Shaping Our Future Leaders
Begins With You

University Scholarship Program

Donate NowWhy


Source: Congressional Research Service report


Half of all youth in Latin America never finish high school, which makes university unattainable. Your gift of a university degree can help advance a young adult to the top percentiles in their countries, preparing them to become leaders and engaged, productive citizens. Within our NPH family, university graduates are not only celebrated, they are seen as role models and leaders by example for the many children who follow in their footsteps toward a bright future.


Nearly all of our students are the first in their families to graduate from high school and attend college. Upon graduation, your sponsored student, now armed with the best tools available to compete in their local economy, will be better able to secure stable and lucrative work and provide security for his or her own family.

Their success serves as a beacon of hope and positive example of achievement for all NPH students growing up, illuminating the opportunity for their younger brothers and sisters to dream and set ambitious goals with the knowledge that NPH will help them succeed.

With a university degree and full formation in NPH family values and principles, your university graduate can be a positive and contributing member of their local society in ways small and large; practicing charity and sharing the love and encouragement they received with those around them.

The cost of attending university can fluctuate from year to year. A gift of $5,000 annually, ensures that students can dedicate themselves fully to their studies. Work study programs and part-time study for university students throughout Latin America and the Caribbean is uncommon and part-time employment does not always accommodate class schedules. Instead, NPH students give a full year of service to the NPH family as a way of sharing in the responsibility for their education. Your gift provides students with the opportunity to fully commit and excel – in school and in life.



Sarah McNary
“When I heard about the university scholarship program I jumped at the chance to participate. The opportunity to provide this tangible support to further education at this level is a gift both to the students who realize what this means in terms of confidence in their success and to the donors like me who view educating our young ones as the best investment we could possibly make.”

— Sarah McNary, University Scholarship Donor

Lisa Dean
“Education is the ultimate gift! No one, absolutely no one can take it away from you! One of my dad’s amazing qualities was connecting with his employees, learning their passions, and helping them achieve through higher education. I am so blessed to be able to pass on his legacy of supporting others through a University Scholarship with NPH.”

— Lisa Dean, University Scholarship Donor

Ana Karina
“I have always loved my studies and I wanted to be a doctor. I want to be an exemplary woman for my family, for NPH and for my country. I want to follow the footsteps of my older siblings who are professionals and who inspire me to be a better person. Without knowing us, you make the mission and vision of Fr. Wasson possible. I want to thank you personally for helping me become a professional, for giving me the opportunity to become an independent woman, for helping us create a family at NPH.”

— Ana Karina Vallecillo, NPH Honduras

Billy Jean
“I came to NPH in kindergarten and I went all the way through university to study law. Most Haitians don’t have access to university. Without NPH I wouldn’t have had the opportunity. There are no words to express our gratitude – the best way is to show you that your support was not in vain, through our accomplishments. I want to be a lawyer and to contribute to the changes needed in my country.”

— Billy Jean, NPH Haiti

University Scholarship Program Q&A ->

Invest In Our Greatest Gift: Their Potential

$1M – Father Wasson’s Vision
Provides a full university education for 40 students

$500,000 – Tomorrow’s Leaders
Provides a full university education for 20 students

$250,000 – Footsteps Scholarship
Provides a full university education for 10 students

$100,000 – Success Squared
Provides a full university education for four students

$50,000 – Dream Team
Provides a full university education for two students

$25,000 – University Angel
Provides a full university education for one student

$5,000 – Bright Futures
Provides one year of university for one student

Donate Now

NPH USA is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, Federal Tax ID# 65-1229309. Donations are tax deductible to the extent provided by law. All donated funds are diligently appropriated and an audited financial statement is available upon request. Read our Charitable Solicitation Disclosure Statements, here.

For more information about our University Scholarship Program or sponsoring a student, please contact your NPH USA Regional Director.

Related Information:
• Our Homes
Our Children
• Outreach Programs
Education Program
Higher Education Program Fact Sheet (PDF)
VIDEO: University Scholarship Program
University Scholarship Program Q & A
The Seattle Institute Leadership Program
Girls’ Empowerment Programs