Top 5 Event Ideas

Private Party with a Purpose
Gather your friends and family for a party like you might normally do – the only difference is that it benefits NPH USA and NPH! Let your guests know that you will provide the refreshments and you only ask that they consider donating to NPH USA.
Two donors hosted work associates and close friends at their home for a home-cooked meal and drinks.
Invitation Method:
Postcard and follow-up phone calls
At the Event:
The hosts displayed posters about NPH USA and the child sponsorship program around their home. Half-way though the event, before dinner, they played an NPH USA video and had a keynote speaker who showed slides about the NPH children they know. That was followed by an ask for support where donation cards, envelopes and pens were distributed to guests. Guests spent the remaining time eating and chatting and left the event feeling good about how they spent their evening.
Number of Attendees: | 75 | |
Funds Raised: | $20,000 | |
Child Sponsorships: | 2 |

Public Reception
This is much like the Party with a Purpose, but is open to the public and held at a restaurant, bar or
other public place. You can charge admission, and request donations at the event.
A group of young professionals found a local restaurant to donate appetizers and space to host a happy hour. Guests paid $10 to attend and for their drinks. They received free food and a raffle ticket for prizes that were donated, such as a free haircut and a coffee maker. Additional tickets were sold at the event.
Invitation Method:
e-mail and Facebook
At the Event:
Guests completed door prize cards giving them the opportunity to express their interest in learning more about NPH USA. An NPH USA representative thanked people for attending and talked briefly about NPH USA and the child sponsorship program.
There were no expenses for the event.
Number of Attendees: | 65 | |
Funds Raised: | $800 | |
Child Sponsorships: | 3 |

Place of WorshiP Event
Arrange for your faith community to invite an NPH USA representative to speak at services and/or host a “Sponsorship Sunday” to connect community members to the children of NPH through a sponsorship drive. Sponsoring a child is a powerful way for families and individuals to make a lasting impact on the children’s lives.
St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church in Lenoir City, TN, invited Fr. Ron Hicks of NPH to speak at weekend services and also organized a “Friend-Raiser” Dinner.
Invitation Method:
Church bulletin
Funds Raised: | $22,000 | |
Child Sponsorships: | 42 |

Benefit Concert
Do you know a musician or band? Ask that he/she/they give a performance to benefit NPH USA and the children of NPH. Besides selling tickets and seeking event sponsors, sell ad space in a printed program.
“Irish Hearts for Haiti” in Boston, MA, featured live entertainment by several performers, dancing, a silent auction and a raffle. The organizers found multiple event sponsors and had a suggested donation of $20.
Invitation Method:
NPH USA and NPH representatives spoke at the event. Printed programs were distributed which featured paid ads as well as information about NPH USA/NPH.
At the Event:
NPH USA and NPH representatives spoke at the event. Printed programs were distributed which featured paid ads as well as information about NPH USA/NPH.
Number of Attendees: | 700-800 | |
Funds Raised: | $38,000 | |
Child Sponsorships: | 2 |

Active Event
Do you like to exercise? Would you like others to do so for NPH USA and NPH? Put together a fun walk, bike race, soccer clinic, triathlon, or golf event. Besides charging an entry fee and seeking event sponsors, sell ad space along the course and/or in a printed program.
In 2010, two college students organized the first-ever triathlon in their hometown of Eau Claire, WI. Through personal contacts, they were able to find sponsors as well as get almost everything donated. They had the event again in 2011.
Invitation Method:
Social media, word of mouth, interviews on local radio stations, posting on the NPH USA Web site, inclusion in an NPH USA mailing insert and newsletter
At the Event:
An NPH USA staff member participated in and spoke at the event. There was a table promoting child sponsorship and offering people the opportunity to learn more about NPH USA.
Other Ideas
- Set up informational tables at local festivals. We can provide printed materials for you to distribute.
- Have a tournament/game, benefit concert, or an art auction/exhibition
- Sales percentages (cause marketing, portion of proceeds/sales to benefit NPH USA)
- Have people financially sponsor you to “give up” something, such as drinking soda, eating candy or watching TV
- “Fast for Freedom”: Organize 24-hour fast — the money that would normally go to purchasing food can support the NPH homes
- Get sponsored for an activity, such as exercising, running, biking, swimming, etc. Organize an event around your activity. (See Idea #5 above.)
Related Information:
• Host an Event
• Event Ideas for Kids