Holiday Celebrations at NPH

Just as holiday celebrations vary from home to home here in the United States, so do the ones at the Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos (NPH, Spanish for “Our Little Brothers and Sisters”) homes in Bolivia, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, GuatemalaHaitiHonduras, Mexico, Nicaragua and Peru . To learn about the celebrations at one of our homes, click it on the map.

Thanks to the generosity of our many NPH USA supporters, the holidays are an especially bright time for the more than 8,000 vulnerable children and young adults supported by NPH. The spirit of unconditional love is never more alive than at Christmas, and with your help, it might be the first time a child has ever received a present. Items that we often take for granted, such as a new pair of shoes or clean pair of pants, truly light up their faces.
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Mexico Haiti Dominican Republic Guatemala Haiti El Salvador El Salvador Honduras Nicaragua Peru Bolivia Mexico