Upper Midwest Region Host Family Application & Information

MX_PT_MA-NE_1016Thank you for your interest in becoming a part of the Pequeño Tour and offering to open your home to host our NPH students. Your hospitality represents a major contribution to our program. It enriches the experience of the children visiting by allowing them to experience daily life in the United States. They also connect with the caring individuals who are helping to provide them and their family with emotional support, food, clothing, education and medical care. By opening your homes you are helping us to continue transforming the lives of these incredible young people.

“It’s a wonderful experience for the entire family. I think all families should do this, at least once!”

– Host family from the 2015 Pequeno Tour


This year, five pequeños and two chaperones from Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos (NPH) El Salvador will be our guests from October 4th through October 15th, 2018. At this time, host families are needed for the 2nd week of their visit. These dates are Wednesday, October 10th – Monday, October 15th. We are requesting each host family to host two or three guests (two students or two students and a chaperone) for their time in your area. If you are able to host, we are certain that you will find it a most memorable experience.

Host Family Responsibilities

  • Attend host family orientation meeting (Date to be determined).
  • Complete a background check form for all adults (18 +) living in your home.
  • Familiarize all members of your family with the orientation information.
  • Provide supervision whenever the pequeños are in your home. One adult must be home when the children are there per request of the Country Director and insurance requirements.
  • Provide food, rest (one per bed), possible laundry, and comfort to the pequeños.
  • Provide transportation to and from all activities and events. (Host families will be able to share contact information at the orientation meeting so that carpooling arrangements can be made if necessary.)

If you would like to become a host family:
Complete the online interest form below and we will contact you with more information. Please reach out to the Upper Midwest Development Coordinator, Natalie Hursey, with any questions. The deadline for submitting your online interest form is August 17th. 

  • Email: infoupm@nphusa.org
  • Phone: (651) 482-1703
  • Mail: NPH USA – 1400 Van Buren Street NE, Suite #200-210 – Minneapolis, MN 55413-4605
    (New address as of 11/1/2019)