Year At a Glance
Numbers as of 12/31/2023
Children and families supported: 9,185
Bolivia: 86
Dominican Republic: 659
El Salvador: 364
Guatemala: 619
Haiti: 3,273
Babies delivered at NPH’s St. Damien Pediatric Hospital: 1,966
Honduras: 908
Mexico: 589
Nicaragua: 645
Peru: 76
New arrivals: 176
Services provided through community outreach programs: 91,786
Volunteers that served at NPH homes: 41
Local people employed: 2,249
Education | Graduates
Kindergarten: 290
6th Grade: 113
9th Grade: 235
High School Graduates: 218
Technical School: 222
Vocational Workshops: 105
University Graduates: 59
Children from low-income households who attend NPH schools: 2,872
Children living with family who receive academic scholarships to other schools: 72
Local people employed in education: 358
Health Services
Well child visits: 1,346
Vaccinations: 2,018
Physician consults: 5,627
Nurse consults: 11,393
Therapies (physical, occupational, speech): 7,057
Dental services: 1,579
Diagnosis for chronic conditions: 444
HIV+ and AIDS patients: 21
Children and adults with disabilities with disabilities or learning difficulties living in NPH homes: 159
People outside the home with disabilities or learning difficulties receiving support from NPH: 964
Meals served at NPH homes every year: 19,000+ (children, staff and volunteers)