Be a Sustaining

Hero of Hope Sponsorship

Hero of HopeMore than half the children in the developing world are severely deprived of one or more basic necessities, including adequate shelter, proper nutrition, safe water and quality health care. Millions have never been to school. You can help us change this reality for a child in need.

Hero of Hope Monthly Supporters make a lasting difference in the lives of NPH children. Prior to joining the NPH family, all of our children were deprived of one or more essentials: nutritious food, clean drinking water, health care and education. Many were neglected, abused and had to beg and scavenge to survive. Your monthly donation will help sustain their needs and will enable children in NPH care to overcome poverty and become leaders in their communities.

Impact of Your Support & Love

 eggs $10/month: Eggs for 85 children
 vaccine $20/month: A protective vaccination for one child
 backpack $50/month: A backpack full of school supplies
 art therapy $100/month: Three art therapy sessions

Become a Hero of Hope now!

The costs listed represent average expenses at the NPH homes. Donations will be used where most needed. Gifts to NPH USA, Tax ID# 65-1229309, are tax-deductible as provided by law. Click here to read our donation disclosure statements.