Your support
transforms lives.

The Wedding of Tracey Walker and Harlan Carter

Walker, Tracey & Carter, Harlan-2Welcome

Thank you for visiting our wedding donation website and for the opportunity to share more information about our favorite charity NPH USA. Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos is Spanish for Our Little Brothers and Sisters and was established in 1954. They are dedicated to improving the lives of orphaned, abandoned and disadvantaged children through homes, healthcare and educational services. The boys and girls grow up in a loving environment secured with the knowledge they will never be forced to leave their home, be separated from their siblings nor be given up for adoption. Spiritual, educational and emotional needs are met with a loving environment. Please click here for information on the organization.

How We Started

Xavier, of course! Our son Xavier Walker serves as the Regional Director of this amazing organization and his passion is contagious. The impact this organization provides to over 6,200 children daily is truly a blessing and heart warming.

Our Godchildren

We sponsor a 9-year-old girl and 11-year-old boy that are brother and sister. They have lived in the Haiti home since March 17, 2016. Their father passed away and regretfully their mother could not meet their needs. Our Godchildren are cool because they both like soccer and have best friends at their home. We plan to visit them next year.

How You Can Help

Every dollar matters. In lieu of wedding gifts, please consider a tax-deductible donation to NPH USA which will help to provide a child with a safe and loving home, clean water, nutritious food, shoes and clothing, health care, an education and hope for a bright future.