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transforms lives.

Join us to celebrate Vinita Johnson

Hello, from Brenda Blunt, friend to Vinita Johnson! This month is National Women’s History Month and NPH, a charity I am very involved with, is celebrating “Her”! When I think of the many women who have shaped and supported me, Vinita Johnson is high on the list. I know I am not alone as she has been a big influence with so many in our community, men and women alike. Please join me in celebrating Her by making a gift to NPH in Vinita’s honor and including a short tribute to her, below. Also, pass it on to anyone you think would like a chance to add their tributes. THIS IS A SURPRISE, so don’t say anything – she will find out when the tributes are sent to her.

Please join us in supporting at-risk girls through our international Celebrate Her campaign. Your support of NPH and St. Damien Pediatric Hospital is life-changing for vulnerable girls in Bolivia, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, and Peru. Together, we have the power to help girls feel safe; go to school; and grow into women who are able to live secure, productive, and fulfilling lives.

Make a gift in honor of Vinita Johnson.