Midwest Area

Regional Director’s Message

Dear Friends,

Happy Volunteer Week!  On behalf of our UPM regional office and the 3400 children living in our NPH homes, we thank you for your commitment, passion and support.  You are truly making a difference!  I think Mother Teresa said it best when she said “I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot; together we can do great things.”  This is why our organization is successful; we all work together to better the lives of our 3400 children.

I am proud to be a part of this great team and look forward to our continued work.  Please take a look at our Facebook page, website and this e-newsletter to meet your fellow inspiring volunteers.

In other news…….

We have a fun-filled calendar of events for anyone who would like to learn more about NPH USA and the wonderful kids we are supporting.  Please mark your calendars for the following events and reserve your tickets today!

Associate Board Trivia Night – April 27th

Cinco de Mayo 5K run/walk – Sunday, May 1st

Eau Claire Triathlon – June 5th

Celebrando a los Ninos Gala – Saturday, October 1st

Our region is planning a trip to Honduras this summer; June 25-July 1.  We still have a few openings if you’d like to join us.  Please click here for more information.

Thank you for all you do for NPH USA!

Molly Boyum

Upper Midwest Regional Director