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When girls suffer abuse or their rights, freedom, and opportunities are squelched, societies suffer.

NPH is changing the outlook and future for girls in the Latin America & Caribbean Region by protecting and empowering them. NPH provides safe spaces, nutritious food, education from K-12, vocational training or college, spiritual guidance, mentoring, and mental and physical health care to children in need, from birth to adulthood.

Your support of NPH and St. Damien Pediatric Hospital is life-changing. Now more than ever, vulnerable, at-risk girls in impoverished, beleaguered countries are counting on you.

Together, this March, we have power to help the powerless. Please help girls feel safe; go to school; and grow into women who are able live secure, productive, and fulfilling lives. Any gift, especially a monthly one, makes a significant, sustainable difference in the lives of girls who would otherwise have no hope for a bright future.

$50 – Provides nutritious meals for one girl for a month.
$100 – Provides healthcare for one HIV+ girl for a month.
$250 – Provides lab tests and x-rays for 3 girls at St. Damien Pediatric Hospital.
$500 – Provides backpacks and school supplies for 10 girls for a year.

NPH USA, Federal Tax ID# 65-1229309, is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation. Donations are tax deductible to the extent provided by law and subject to our donation disclosure statements, and will be used where most needed.