International Volunteer Reference Step 1 of 2 50% CAPTCHAAn applicant for the NPH USA International Volunteer Program has listed you as a reference. The program places volunteers at Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos (NPH) homes for orphaned and abandoned children in nine countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. If accepted, the applicant would be making a commitment to live and work at the home for a year or longer. Volunteer positions are not easy and demand high levels of motivation, flexibility, cultural sensitivity and patience. To learn more about our volunteer positions, please visit We appreciate any information you can share with us regarding this person’s qualifications and work/school/service history. All information will remain confidential and will not be shared with the applicant. Thank you for your assistance. Applicant's Name* First Last Your Name* First Last Your Employer and Job Title* Your Email* Your Phone*How long have you known the applicant?* In what capacity?*In what ways does the applicant’s character and personality contribute to his/her ability to serve others effectively?*Have you seen this person in a high stress situation? Please describe how he/she handled it.*What are weaknesses or areas of growth where the applicant may need support/coaching?* CharacteristicsMaturity*Please chooseAbove averageAverageBelow averageUnsureComments (Optional) Emotional stability*Please chooseAbove averageAverageBelow averageUnsureComments (Optional) Ability to get along with others*Please chooseAbove averageAverageBelow averageUnsureComments (Optional) Dependability*Please chooseAbove averageAverageBelow averageUnsureComments (Optional) Initiative*Please chooseAbove averageAverageBelow averageUnsureComments (Optional) Flexibility*Please chooseAbove averageAverageBelow averageUnsureComments (Optional) Ability to accept criticism*Please chooseAbove averageAverageBelow averageUnsureComments (Optional) Ability to work with others*Please chooseAbove averageAverageBelow averageUnsureComments (Optional) Ability to accept supervision*Please chooseAbove averageAverageBelow averageUnsureComments (Optional) Ability to adapt to new or unstructured situations*Please chooseAbove averageAverageBelow averageUnsureComments (Optional) Spanish or French skills*Please chooseAbove averageAverageBelow averageUnsureComments (Optional) Overall, how do you rate this applicant as a volunteer candidate to serve for a year at NPH?*Please chooseHighly recommendRecommendRecommend with reservationsDo not recommendWe would appreciate any other feedback or comments about the candidate.THANK YOU! Please click the SUBMIT button.