Your Donation in Action
55,797 services provided to women and children in need
maternity visits
babies delivered
oncology consults
local people employed
Life-saving health care for more than 35 years
St. Damien Pediatric Hospital is the premiere pediatric and high-risk maternity hospital in Haiti. It is operated by local professionals and has been providing children life-saving care with compassion and dignity for more than 35 years.

Reliable partner network, longstanding relationships, and trusted reputation
St. Damien is part of NPH International, a humanitarian organization that has been sustainably lifting children from poverty throughout Latin America and Haiti for more than 70 years.
Overseen by a diverse governance board
Proudly, 90% of US fundraising directly supports St. Damien Pediatric Hospital’s life-saving operations and accountability is overseen by the NPH USA National Board of Directors.

Highest Four-Star Rating
NPH USA (inclusive of St. Damien Pediatric Hospital Fund) was awarded the top rating from the most trusted independent evaluator of not-for-profit organizations.
You can give a life-saving gift of hope.
Any and every gift you give helps end the suffering of a child. Please consider funding a dire need with a transformational gift. We would love for you to join the St. Damien Pediatric Hospital giving community: Hearts for Haiti
With your consistent monthly support, the dedicated and courageous medical staff can count on steady funds to keep the hospital running. You’ll be welcomed, regularly updated, and recognized as a heroic heart.
Contact Us
For more information, please contact: Jennifer Rayno