See how your support
transforms lives.

Immersion Trip to NPH Honduras
June 11 – 17, 2023

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Join us for a one-week immersion trip to our NPH home in Honduras. Experience firsthand how NPH USA transforms the lives of children! You will meet the amazing children, staff, and volunteers of NPH and learn about their daily lives. Whether you are new to NPH, or a longtime supporter, visiting an NPH home is the best way to see your impact in action.

You will have the unique opportunity to stay at the NPH home, which will allow you to immerse yourself in NPH life and culture. While the children are in school, you will help with the daily chores around the property. After a morning of work, relax and spend time with the pequeños in the afternoons. You will have the opportunity to meet with the leadership of the NPH home, tour NPH Honduras facilities, and hear from the children about their experience living at NPH.

NPH Honduras

Rancho Santa Fe is a thriving community less than an hour from the nation’s busy capital, Tegucigalpa. Open since 1985, Rancho Santa Fe is the second-oldest of the NPH homes. Hundreds of pequeños make their home here, while older pequeños study and live in Tegucigalpa.

Note: NPH USA chaperones will lead and oversee all travelers throughout the duration of the week. All chaperones have been screened and are experienced volunteers.

COVID-19 Protocols

In order to protect the unvaccinated and vulnerable populations in our care, NPH USA requires that visitors follow all COVID-19 protocols set forth by the hosting NPH home. NPH Honduras’ requirements include mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations and mask-wearing. These requirements are subject to change at the discretion of NPH Honduras.

If an adult visitor tests positive for COVID-19 during their visit and is unable to return home as scheduled, an NPH USA staff member will remain at the home with them to help coordinate their return. If a minor visitor tests positive for COVID-19 during their visit and is unable to return home as scheduled, an NPH USA staff member AND the minor’s guardian or chaperone must stay with the minor until they can return home.

Cost: $900 per person*

Price includes:

  • Pre-trip orientation
  • On-site accommodations and meals at the NPH home
  • Transportation to and from the NPH home/airport
  • NPH USA interpreter and guide
  • Liability insurance
  • Background check

*Price does not include air travel, outside meals or optional attraction costs.

Do not book air travel until further instructions are provided by NPH USA regarding flight schedules and local transportation arrangements.

Payment Schedule

  • $400 non-refundable deposit*/registration due by March 31, 2023
  • $500 Balance and traveler forms due May 1, 2023

If NPH USA must cancel this trip for any reason, you will receive a full refund.

For more information, please contact Heather Anderson: or call (312) 914-9101.

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