Midwest Area

An Evening with El Salvador

This event has been cancelled.

To protect the health and wellbeing of our community, we have come to the difficult decision to cancel our Milwaukee Pequeño Tour from March 16 – 19, 2020. While we recognize this is disappointing, nothing is more important than the health of our NPH kids and our community.

However, while the world is slowing down to better assess the severity of COVID-19, we are moving forward with alternative plans to have a virtual event. We will post details when we have them.

Your investment in our kids is impactful and important to support their well-being. Please continue to learn more about NPH and donate online.


We must keep moving forward as the needs of our pequeños are so important to their well-being and future. You have the Power to Empower these amazing kids.

For questions, please contact Serena Steele at ssteele@nphusa.org or (651) 560-7102.