You Can Provide Malnourished Children With a Nutritional Recovery Plan Before It’s Too Late

Right now, Haiti faces catastrophic levels of malnutrition due to destabilization and growing food scarcity.

Today, half the population can be categorized as “food insecure,” with young children at the greatest risk of experiencing irreversible, life-long damage due to chronic malnutrition.

But your monthly gift to St. Damien Pediatric Hospital can provide the consistent, lifesaving care and treatment these vulnerable children need for recovery!

As Haiti’s premier pediatric hospital, as well as the only one that provides specialized pediatric cancer care, St. Damien Pediatric Hospital provides an average of 50,000 medical services a year to children and families.

Your $20 monthly gift to St. Damien Pediatric Hospital will provide a malnourished child with a lifesaving 3-step nutritional recovery plan:

  • Treatment of infection to counter the lifelong effects of malnutrition
  • Food packages, F100 (a fortified mixture to counter symptoms of malnutrition), and Plumpy’Nut (a peanut paste with vitamins and minerals)
  • Weekly consultations to monitor long-term progress and recovery

In a nation where quality medical care is largely inaccessible, St. Damien Pediatric Hospital is a lifeline. to countless children and families in desperate need.

Will you make a $20 monthly gift to save the lives of children facing chronic malnutrition?

You can make your first monthly gift using the secure form below:

NPH USA, Federal Tax ID# 65-1229309, is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation. The costs listed represent average expenses at St. Damien. Donations are tax deductible to the extent provided by law and subject to our donation disclosure statements, and will be used where most needed.