Will you help provide a child living in extreme poverty with lifesaving medical care by making a year-end gift today?
When you do, the impact of your gift will be doubled thanks to a generous matching challenge pledged by friends of our organization. They have offered to match every dollar received by December 31, up to $300,000. Please help us take full advantage of this challenge by contributing toward that goal.
$25 – Hospital meals for one week
$50 – Therapeutic treatment for a child suffering from malnutrition
$100 – Healthcare treatment for a month for one HIV+ patient
$250 – Lab tests and x-rays for 3 patients
NPH USA, Federal Tax ID# 65-1229309, is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation. The costs listed represent average expenses at St. Damien. Donations are tax deductible to the extent provided by law and subject to our donation disclosure statements, and will be used where most needed.