Your support
transforms lives.

Upper Midwest NPH USA Giving Society

Circle of Friends 2017

Invest $1,000 or more during the calendar year and you will become a part of the Circle of Friends. This group of friends is the backbone of the Upper Midwest Region’s work. We view you as our advocates, partners, and advisors in this important work!

As a member of this society, you will receive special invitations to events, recognition at our annual Gala, and your name will be on our Circle of Friends wall in the home office*. You’ll also receive a commemorative certificate, as well as a periodic newsletter highlighting how your dollars are making an impacting.

Once a quarter we will hold a breakfast social with the UPM staff at our office where we will ask the Circle of Friends to weigh in on particular opportunities and challenges we are facing. We value your input and expertise and would be honored to have you join us for these strategic times. If you live outside the Twin Cities, members of our staff will be hosting this event in select cities around the region throughout the year.

Because of your investment abandoned and disadvantaged children are being given a home, education, and quality healthcare. The work we are doing could not happen without you. Thank you for your investment!

*Donors have the option to remain anonymous.