I’m GIVING JOY to the children this season!

Your tax-deductible gift to NPH USA helps support nearly 9,000 children and families in nine countries. Prior to joining our family, many of our children never celebrated Christmas. Your gift will help give them joy by supporting their basic needs as well as providing comfort, security and love.

Make a general donation to support all of our children, or select the item(s) you want to give. If you want to give in honor of someone, check the box at the bottom of the page.

Because it is not cost effective for us to designate items to your individual sponsored children, your donation will be used where most needed in the country you select. But you can send your sponsored child the best gift of all, a heartfelt message full of holiday cheer! Click here to learn more.

Donations to NPH USA, Federal Tax ID # 65-1229309, are tax-deductible as provided by law.
Donation Disclosure Statements