Midwest Area

Regional Director’s Message

August is a special month when our NPH community steps back and reflects on the life of Father Wasson, our dear founder of NPH. The work he did, grounded in faith and a higher purpose, lives on today well after the day of his passing, August 16, 2006.

As I’m writing this message I’m currently co-leading an immersion trip at NPH Guatemala. Today, I had the amazing opportunity to observe how our children and our homes celebrate and remember Father Wasson.  We began the day with Mass to celebrate the life of Fr. Wasson and an offering of food was presented at the altar. The dining hall is covered in posters and a special lunch was served and the afternoon consisted of a Talent Show of song and skits in honor of Fr. Wasson.

Together is a special day to reflect, to celebrate, and to remember Fr. Wasson. I can’t imagine how proud he is of our global NPH family as we continue to grow, change, and flourish.  The principles from Fr. Wasson remain the same today, Sharing, Love and Security, Responsibility, Work, Faith and Service which allow for transformation in the lives of our children.

Whether or not you had the privilege to meet Fr. Wasson, know that your prayers, your advocacy and your financial support is having an immense impact in the lives of children and adults in the nine countries where NPH has homes.


Thank you for all of you who make our NPH Family possible. Thank you for your continued support, prayers and love for our NPH Family.

Stephanie Pommier
Regional Director