Midwest Area

Regional Director’s Message

As I write today’s message our amazing spring weather is a breath of fresh air and a moment to give thanks.  It is times like this where I find it extremely valuable to pause and discover the miracles of spring.  Life is full of many little miracles and  I often reflect on spring as a time renew and restart.

David Crabb joined the Upper Midwest Team on January 4th.  David has an extensive background in nonprofits, fundraising and international travel. Welcome to the NPH family David!

staff jump


There are numerous activities and volunteer opportunities if you are interested in getting involved in NPH at a deeper level. How are you being called to serve the children at NPH?  Are you interested in joining the Regional Board, Associate Board, or Junior Board? Are you being called to join on a committee?  Would you like to help plan an event? Are you willing to collect silent auction items?  Are you willing to donate your time? Would you like to enter data, clean, sort, work in the administrate office?  Share your NPH story? Set up a child sponsor booth?

“It takes a village to raise a child” ~ African Proverb

Yes, there are many ways to share your love and support for Nuestros Pequenos Hermanos.  Please contact Stephanie Pommier at spommier@nphusa.org if you would like to learn more about ways to get involved.

Stephanie M. Pommier