You Can Save a Life by Providing Emergency Services to a Child in Haiti

In an emergency room, nurses and doctors miraculously answer the needs that cannot wait and are often never expected. In Haiti, St. Damien Pediatric Hospital provides this life-giving and life-saving work for the most vulnerable, even despite every imaginable obstacle — rising costs, lack of resources, and little to no government support.

When you make a monthly gift of $25, you are providing a year’s worth of life-saving emergency services to a child or expectant mother in Haiti.

Your monthly gift allows you to work alongside the only hospital wholly dedicated to pediatric cancer care, high-risk pregnancy, and high-risk expectant mothers in Haiti. In a nation of 11.5 million people, where nearly 1 in 16 children die from mostly treatable illnesses before their 5th birthday, their work could not be more critical!

Last year alone, St. Damien provided more than 53,337 services to women and children and 2,000 emergency room visits — your donation holds the life-changing power of saving a life and gifting a better tomorrow!

Your $25 monthly gift to provide a year’s worth of emergency services!

Make your gift using the secure form below:

NPH USA, Federal Tax ID# 65-1229309, is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation. The costs listed represent average expenses at St. Damien. Donations are tax deductible to the extent provided by law and subject to our donation disclosure statements, and will be used where most needed.