Support Network Improvements at NPH El Salvador & NPH Peru

NPH El Salvador


NPH El Salvador’s network is obsolete and requires updating. It can start in an initial phase with wiring improvement and acquiring updated security cameras.

Technological advances allow the development of human activities to be carried out with more ease and practicality. This is achieved if you are at the forefront and have up-to-date equipment, tools and knowledge. NPH El Salvador has outdated equipment and wiring that does not allow it to keep up with the new internet speeds. That is why, in its technological needs, the updating of the internet cable network by fiber optic cabling is contemplated – in addition to the replacement of cameras that allow the security of the foundation’s assets in general: human talent, beneficiaries, vehicles, equipment, property, etc.


With this project, it is intended as stage I to begin with basic repairs and adjustments that allow the proper functioning of the foundation’s network. The ideal would be to carry out a major intervention that contemplates replacing outdated equipment with new ones that adapt to the new internet speeds, acquiring other necessary equipment that allows a better connection, of course, doing so would cost too much money – so he would go for the most essential, change of Cat 5cables for Cat 6, change of cameras.

Number of Beneficiaries

  • 80+ children in temporary residency in ages from 0-25 years under NPH El Salvador’s roof
  • 200+ children from the community that attend NPH El Salvador’s school in a daily basis – they are part of the Child Welfare Center (kids under 7) and Father Wasson’s Community Scholarships (ages 7-17)
  • 98+ NPH’s Staff

Total of Project: $14,255

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NPH Peru


According to the research “Rural Connectivity in Latin America and the Caribbean” presented by the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture(IICA), the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and Microsoft, Peru is among the 10 countries with the lowest connectivity. The digital gap in Peru is preventing thousands of children and young people from receiving the quality education they deserve. The lack of Internet access is one of the latent barriers in our country and mainly affects girls and young people, children in rural areas, and people living in poverty, directly affecting their right to an inclusive and quality education.


A substantial boost in connectivity will be a key factor in ensuring the education of our children as they use it for online courses, tutoring, homework and educational programs. It would also be very beneficial to facilitate the quick access and use of digital tools to our administrative and operational collaborators.

Project Breakdown

Fiber Optic Installation
The speeds of fiber optics are generally much higher than those of other traditional transmission media, the major advantages of fiber optics are governed by the connection speed it offers:

  • It takes up little space. Given its small size, it is extremely flexible, which makes it easy to install.
  • It is light. It weighs eight times less than a conventional cable.
  • It has great resistance. Both mechanical and thermal, and resists corrosion well.
  • It is more environmentally friendly compared to the waste left by conventional cabling.
  • Immune to electromagnetic interference given the nature of its components.
  • Fast, efficient and secure. It is the best-known form of wired data transmission.

Number of Beneficiaries

  • 48 residential children
  • 46 staff members

Total of Project: $8,939

Click for cost details ->

NPH USA is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, Federal Tax ID# 65-1229309. Donations are tax deductible to the extent provided by law. All donated funds are diligently appropriated and an audited financial statement is available upon request. Read our Charitable Solicitation Disclosure Statements, here.