Christmas Fundraiser (Sydney Verrett)

Christmas is usually associated with being able to spend quality time with family and friends. Many of the children on the Ranch (what we call the NPH home in Honduras) are able to leave and spend up to two months with their families around Christmastime. However, there are also many children who may not have families or whose home environment is too dangerous to return to. These children spend the months of December and January on the Ranch, while their friends leave to spend time at home. This can be especially difficult and challenging for these little ones.

The goal of the Christmas Fundraiser is to raise $3,000 in order to buy gifts for the children who spend Christmas on the Ranch. We also have a company that has generously agreed to match up to $1,500 in donations. Although we know that gifts cannot replace this time not spent with family, we hope to show the children that they are still loved and thought about during this time. If we meet our goal of $3000, we will be able to purchase a $20 gift for each of the 150 children staying on the Ranch!

As of 1/3/2022:

Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos (NPH) means “Our Little Brothers and Sisters” in Spanish. NPH USA transforms the lives of vulnerable children in Bolivia, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, and Peru. Together, we help children overcome poverty and become productive, caring leaders in their own communities. Founded in 1954 by Father William Wasson, NPH is supporting nearly 8,000 children, both inside and outside our homes, ensuring they have a safe and nurturing place to live, an education, clothing, healthcare, and a strong family support system.

Donations to NPH USA, Federal Tax ID # 65-1229309, are tax-deductible as provided by law.
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