Midwest Area

A Message from the Upper Midwest Team

The saying, “it takes a village to raise a child” is one of my favorite quotes because it reminds me of what each and every one of you provides to help our NPH kids thrive. Thank you for going above and beyond in such a trying year to give additional financial support.  Thank you for continuing to write to your Godchild and for keeping the NPH kids, staff and family in your thoughts and prayers.

We are excited to share NPH USA’s new Power to Empower Series with you, kicking off with a focus on our global effort to educate, support, and empower our NPH women and girls to realize their fullest potential.

Throughout the month of February 2021, we will host virtual activities such as: wine tastings, house parties, trivia events, wellness classes, and peer-to-peer online fundraisers to spread awareness about gender issues in Latin America.

First up, you are invited to Salud!, our virtual champagne tasting and Valentine’s Day celebration on Friday, February 12th! Your registration includes a half-bottle of bubbly. Thank you to our regional board members Matthew Mellon and Jeanne-Nicole Mellon Saint-Laurent for hosting this event and supplying the bubbly!

We are also excited to expand a new giving opportunity to honor your loved ones! Make a gift in the name of a loved one this Valentine season and we will send them a special Valentine in their honor! Visit nphusa.org/ValentineTribute to get started.

Then, on Thursday, March 4, 2021 at 7pm CST NPH USA will host Celebrating Her.

This national virtual event will coincide with Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day. We will feature phenomenal, inspiring, and change-making NPH women who will share their personal stories about Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos.

We invite you to become an event sponsor to help us raise $100,000. During the month of March, we will continue to promote opportunities for tribute gifts to be made in honor of women who have made a special impact in your life. Your financial support during these efforts will have a direct impact on empowering women and girls at NPH!

From the UpperMidwest Staff Abby Anderson, India Zietzman, Serena Steele and Stephanie Pommier