Your support gives
children hope.

Give Hope NW 2018 Faces of Hope

This year we celebrate 30 years of support for NPH here in the Northwest. We celebrate the work of NPH and the fundamentals that have transformed the lives of so many children over the last 30 years. Thirty years ago, Merlin, in Honduras, was only 10 years old, but already had a dream of becoming a doctor and helping others. Today, Dr. Merlin Antunez is an orthopedic surgeon, and Medical Director of the Holy Family Surgery Center at NPH in Honduras, serving the poorest and most in need the community. Merlin is but one example of what the NPH family means for so many children: the commitment to the full journey of each child, rooted in the love, principles and values that have guided us for over 60 years. From investing in those who provide the day to day care for our children to ensuring quality healthcare and educational opportunities, including trade certifications and university degrees. NPH keeps siblings and families together, teaches sharing and responsibility, and never forgets the importance of fun, play, and the stability of family every child deserves. Together we can provide that path to success for the children we serve today, ensuring they too can become all they hope for over the next 30 years.

$5,000  –  Higher Education: Provides a full scholarship to cover all tuition, books, and living expenses for a university student for one year   button-red-donate-150w
$2,500  –  Early Childhood Development: Provides materials and local training for NPH childcare staff and educators on best practices for our youngest and most vulnerable children.   button-red-donate-150w
$1,000  –  Healthcare: Provides annual preventative child well checks (physicals) for 50 children.   button-red-donate-150w
$500  –  Trade Certifications: Covers the costs of trade certifications in their individual area of study for 10 NPH students.   button-red-donate-150w
$250  –  Sharing our blessings: Provides basic monthly support to NPH siblings and their family beyond our walls, keeping families connected and ensuring the stability they need to thrive. button-red-donate-150w
$150  –  Family: Covers the cost of weekend activities for our children, instilling the feeling of fun and family. button-red-donate-150w