Saving lives in Haiti
since 1989

St. Damien Pediatric Hospital Programs

  About the Fund  | Programs  |  Make a Gift to the Fund


The healthcare programs of NPH Haiti are motivated by the gospel command to care for the sick and strive to offset the injustices of poverty which make healthcare inaccessible for many people. Poverty imposes a tremendous burden of sickness and suffering on children. As part of NPH, St. Damien Pediatric Hospital offers any child in need quality and dignified healthcare. St. Damien always seeks to include parent participation through ongoing dialogue, on-site education and the encouragement of material support.






Currently has 224 beds including an 20-bed emergency unit, 10-bed pediatric intensive care unit, a 17-bed oncology ward and a 40-bed maternity ward. The average stay for a child is two months.Outpatient Clinic
Attends to 100 children daily. There is a symbolic fee of 10¢ for services, but it is often waived because most people cannot afford it. If the child is admitted to the Emergency Room, the parent is required to stay with the child 24/7 and the average stay is three days. If a child is admitted to a ward, infectious or noninfectious, then the parent can visit and does not have to stay overnight.Tuberculosis
Treats both Pulmonary TB and Extra-Pulmonary TB and is for children 14 years and younger. Those under six receive six months of treatment while those between 6-14 years of age receive eight months. Both age groups start with an initial two month in-patient treatment and medications are provided by Haiti’s National Program Against TB.Maternity
Serves high-risk mothers with a staff of 56, including eight obstetrician/gynocologists, seven anethesiologists, and 12 midwives. There is close collaboration with the St. Luke Manitane Pre-natal clinic and St. Luke Outreach Clinics in the extremely impoverished, densely populated communities of Port-au-Prince, which are known to be among the poorest and most dangerous in the Western Hemisphere.Neonatology
Treats our highest risk newborns.

Was started in order to combat Haiti’s alarmingly high rate of malnutrition (17,500 children under the age of five were reported to be acutely malnourished before the earthquake on January 12, 2010). The program runs for six weeks, and provides patients with food packages consisting of a combination of F100 (a dried high-energy milk that is fortified with a mix of vitamins and minerals) and Plumpy Nut (a combination of peanut paste, vegetable oil, powdered milk, powdered sugar, vitamins, and minerals). Children are followed through weekly consultations to monitor progress.

A digital machine performs 400 x-rays a month and is capable of sending images across the Internet to an external radiologist in the U.S. or Europe. More than 90% of all x-rays are pictures of the chest to exam the lungs for respiratory tract infections.

Pediatric Oncology/Hematology Center
Established in 2006, the Center treats both solid tumor and blood cancers (such as leukemia, lymphoma, retinoblastoma, rhabdomyosarcoma, osteosarcoma, Wilms, Hepatoblastoma, Neuroblastoma, ovarian, testicular) as well as hematological diseases (such as aplastic anemia). Chemotherapy and surgical interventions are provided on-site and radiation therapy is provided in the Dominican Republic. The Center works closely with St. Jude’s Medical Center in the U.S., and is an international affiliate.

Composed of two surgical suites, a recovery room, prep room, and a sterile changing area. The staff of 15 includes two physicians, four nurses, two nursing assistants, and three technicians. Around 360 surgeries are performed yearly and include colostomy, hypospadias, hydrochephelus, hernias, and oncology referrals. Teams of surgeons visit four times a year and perform an additional 160 surgeries annually. Non-emergency surgery is performed Monday through Friday, while emergency surgery is performed seven days a week.

Has the capacity to do many essential tests, including malaria blood smears, HIV, and sickle cell. On average, about 1,500 hematologic exams and more than 4,000 bacteriological exams are conducted monthly.

Supplies drugs, medical supplies, and items to the patient rooms and out-patients. While some essential drugs are produced and purchased in Haiti, most medications and supplies are imported from Action Medeor, a specialist supplier for charities in Germany. The hospital pharmacy team receives supervision, support and training from an international volunteer pharmacist from Germany through communication and annual visits.

Public Health
Provides standard pediatrics vaccinations to all hospital patients, and provides out-patient public health programs (including HIV) to over 20,000 people yearly.

Dental Clinic
Available to children and adults Monday through Friday.

Please help save children’s lives.


To learn more about the St. Damien Pediatric Hospital Fund, please contact Jennifer Rayno at

St. Damien Pediatric Hospital – Related Information:

St. Damien Pediatric Hospital Fund
Fact Sheet
Our Impact At a Glance – 2023
2022 Impact Report
• Hospital Report
Malnutrition Program
Profile: Fr. Rick Frechette, CP, D.O.
Profile: Dr. Jacqueline Gautier
NPH Haiti Fact Sheet
VIDEO NPH Haiti St. Damien Pediatric Hospital 2017
VIDEO: Not One Be Lost
VIDEO: St. Damein Pediatric Hospital 2013
VIDEO: NPH Haiti St. Damien Residency Program
VIDEO: NPH Haiti Hospital 2006